dijous, 13 d’octubre del 2011


Hello! We are a logical, intelligent and efficient aspect of learning because we are developing effective ways to use its resources, as best as possible, to improve the learning of knowledge.  

1. It’s useful to use different colors in all the situations as possible in order to highlight the most important things. 

2. Sit down near the blackboard unless you want to distract easily. 

3. Acronyms are an interesting strategy to memorize unknown or difficult names.

4. The visual student needs to study in a quiet place and he should be away from distractions views.

5. Use the sight word approach, experience stories, and whole word configurations to teach reading.

6. Mean while lectures show pictures and a subject summary or a topic plan.

7. To avoid movement during explanations because the movement trouble student concentration.

8. To promote student imagination: to see words, problems, images, etc.

9. You can use video, books, graphics, pictures, and anything else that the visual learner can see or read.

10. It is better to use computer for example.

11. In classroom, it is advisable to draw that the teacher says or to write with a visual word that is the most important.

12. The learning tool are around us, we
can use internet, maybe is the best of visual learning because we are all in this: picture, word, video, etc. All of that visual are in internet.( but it is not alone, of course).

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