dilluns, 9 de gener del 2012

My blog

Hi everybody! 

I’m Àngels Sabaté and I’m going to tell you what to expect in my blog. I try to design my blog in such a way that it seems to look simple and elegant at the same time. If you visit my blog you can find in it seven attachments. 

First of all, you can see a study sheet about visual learners. Definitely, I’m a visual learner so, this is my learning style. In case you are a visual learner like me in this sheet you can find strategies that will be maybe useful for you.
Moreover, you can see a powerpoint which is called Characteristics of Visual Learning. It includes a definition of visual style and some characteristics with images, their explanation an also includes a demonstration.

Finally, there are some strategies in each of the different learning skills in order to know how to learn a foreign language more effectively. So, in the following several articles you will find some useful advices.  In these there are strategies on how to learn English grammar and vocabulary, on how to be an effective reader and writer, on how to understand oral English effectively and on how to improve your spoken English.

We can find traditional strategies but you can also create your own strategies or maybe you can find lots of resources online like videos on youtube, radio, TV programmes, forums and wikis. 

All of them are important and if we are motivated and practice them regularly we are going to be good learners.

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