diumenge, 8 de gener del 2012


People sometimes write either to communicate something to other people (letters, messages, reports,...) or for their own personal use (study notes, diary,...). Most of language learners students think its better writing than speaking because you have time to think what do you want to say. Moreover you can re-write, you can look up anything you don't know and the result is more elaborated. 

If you are writing a text for someone else to read, it is important to keep your reader constantly in mind so that you write that he or she will understand. So, what are the features of a well-writen text? We have to consider the layout, the style, the formality, and the purpose. 

Before writing anything you should decide what you want to say and make notes before you start. You have to keep to key words to remind yourself of the main points you want to say. Then, you should write a first draft. It's important not to translate your mother tongue into that foreign language because if you try to write directly you will be activing this foreign language. Finally, you should have a look in what you have said and you should ask you some questions. For example, Does it make sense? Is it the best order? Are grammar and spelling correct?

Other strategies in order to improve your writing is to write a little every day. You can learn useful expressions that you need to use regularly in your writing and you can keep a diary. Moreover, if you check your own work you will prevent lots of mistakes you do.

Finally, reading is also a good way of improving your writing. When you are reading you are improving your spelling and the way how to say anything. You can contribute in blogs or forums that could be interesting for you. 

Definitively, all the skills are being relationed. Writing is not maybe the most important skill but, if you aren't a good speaker, it is a second way in order to communicate more sure.

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