diumenge, 8 de gener del 2012


My aim in this advice is to make some reading strategies in order to tell you how to be an effective reader of English. First of all, I'm going to mention some things we need to avoid. Then, your aim will be being aware of the follow reading strategies.

We consider slow readers in a foreign language the people who are so anxious that they will miss something that they stop and try to understand every word. Others are also slow readers because they pronounce the word as they read. In order to be a good reader I'm going to take you some advices.

Firstly, you have to choose what you like to read. In this way, you are going to follow the story and you will be more concentrated. Furthermore, you have to read at your level. Either you read in a high or low level you aren't going to learn more of that language.

Secondly, you have to do reading exercises such as quizzes and tests in order to know if you have understood the reading. You don't have to get anxious if you don't unsderstand the text at the first time. Firstly, you have to look quickly at the text to get an idea of what it is about. Then, maybe is useful to write not more than three questions which you think the text will answer. After that, you should read the text quickly to try to find the answers to your questions. When you finish that, you shoul read the text more carefully and write down the main ideas of each paragraph. Also you should write the words which you do not know.

Another reading strategy is doing concentrate exercises. In order to do that you don't have to read with your finger under each word as well as you don't have to read aloud. If you read aloud you are going to pay more attention in your pronountiation than in what it means.You have to read in a calm place and you don't have to look up in a dictionary each word you do not understand.

Finally, other strategies you can find according in what you need or want to understand. These strategies are skimming (reading a whole text very carefully for specific information), scanning (reading the text quickly just to understand the main ideas) and reading for detail (having a specific point in mind and looking for it quickly in a text).

I hope these strategies will help you to improve your reading foreign language as well as they will help you to improve your grammar and your speaking. You will search lots of readings online in good webpages which includes quizzes and exercises to make them much more understandable.

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