dilluns, 9 de gener del 2012


Speaking is very different from writing. When we write we have time to think and time to read what we have written. However, speaking is spontaneous. When we are speaking we tend to use simple and short sentences.

In each foreign language country there are usually many different accents and dialects but there is usually a standard pronunciation which is common wherever you go in that country. When you are speaking you have to take account the pronunciation and the intonation. 

I’m sure you’ll have done an oral presentation in a foreign language, and you made do nervous. That’s normal because it isn’t your mother tongue so, you don’t feel sure. I’m going to tell you some advices in order to do a well presentation.

First of all, you must know your subject well and convince your audience that they have something to gain from listening to you. In order to make an effective presentation you should be prepared so, practice your presentation until you feel comfortable.

Secondly, you have to make it clear and enthusiastic. You have to be also positive. It’s important not to read it try to get some example in order to give it understandable. If you haven’t known how to say something explained it or say it in other words.

Thirdly, your presentation should be excellent if you maintain your eye contact around the room and if you actively involve your audience in order to everyone feels that you are talking to them.

To conclude, I have given to you some strategies in order to improve your spontaneous speaking and I have also give you some strategies in order to do a perfect presentation. If you practice speaking regularly you will improve not only in this skills, you will improve in the others skills such as listening and writing.

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